Off The Fence - Schools and Youth Project

The aim of the Schools and Youth Project is to offer a quality Christian resource to secondary schools in Brighton and Hove.

We are currently involved in eight clubs in six different schools in the city. These lunch clubs are attended by a cross section of the school community – including many with no church background. We aim to offer students a safe, fun place to go where they can learn more about the Christian faith.

Each club follows a similar format: we start with an ice breaker which introduces the theme of the session; a game (usually with prizes); a clip from a recent film which illustrates a particular point; and a short ‘Bible bit’ often using a story that Jesus told in the gospels .

The lunch clubs we run often attract up to 30 young people. Most of these are regular attendees which enables us to get to know the young people throughout the year. Very often, the teaching we bring raises many questions which we endeavour to answer to help them in their personal journey of faith.

We would love to develop the schools work by starting lunch clubs in new schools and potentially offer after school clubs. To do all of this, we need more volunteers. If you would like to find out more about volunteering with the schools team, please get in touch.

For more information please email or call 07770887385 / 01273 733732.

Thursday 6 December 2007

What's going on and where.

Here's a programme of all the School Lunch Clubs that take place each week in Brighton and Hove: